
Cuban impressions

Research, Illustration and Screenprinting 2014

A poster can have many different purposes, characteristics, levels of understanding and each spectator interprets it depending on his/her sensibility and knowledge.

Following my experience in Cuba, in January 2014, I decided to depict, through a series of silk-screen prints, my personal reading of the stories – lived and heard – collected during my stay there. 

The frame, the format and the technique are those of the Cuban poster art that, through the hand-made process learned in their laboratories, recall and honour the local tradition. The content instead refers to what has never found space in the poster’s frame. The aim is not to clarify, but rather to portray, through contrasting elements, some absurd aspects of ordinary life on the Island and instil a sense of doubt that drives the spectator to look for a significance behind the images.

The illustrated portraits were designed to accompany each interview I made to those I encountered in my research. They span from curators, graphic designers and screen print laboratories’ workers who disclosed to me the wonders of the graphic and printing tradition of the Island.

If you feel very corageous you can download the entire research here (i’m sorry it’s only in Italian)